Key Features
- Stylish and versatile wall mount keypad
- Single-gang UK/European electrical box installation
- Available in textured almond, black, and white
- Architectural Series faceplate options available
- Variable pushbutton combinations
- Optional backlit button engraving (sold separately)
- LED feedback indicators with built-in flashing and bar graph logic
- Auto-brightness control for backlight and LED intensity
- 2 contact closure inputs
- Cresnet® wired communications
- Programmable functionality using a Crestron® Control System
- Crestron Home® OS compatible
Customizable Buttons
The C2NI-CB keypad can be configured by the installer to provide the precise control functionality required by the end customer. The two button column layouts are each independently configurable by installing one of three included furnished button strip sets:
- Two large buttons
- Three medium buttons
- One medium and four small buttons
More advanced capabilities are available by programming button events, allowing different actions to be triggered when a button is tapped, double-tapped, held, or a button is held while tapping another.
Backlit Button Engraving
Pushbuttons can be ordered with custom engraving (sold separately), allowing each button to be clearly labeled according to its function. The button engraving is backlit to facilitate use in a darkened room. Laser etched engraving is available from Crestron by ordering a replacement set of button strips in the desired sizes.
Enhanced LED Feedback
Each button position is accompanied by a white LED indicator, which may be configured to confirm a button press, indicate the current selected lighting scene, or display the status of a controlled device. A selection of flash patterns can be assigned to indicate various conditions or to signal an alert. Bargraph capability can be enabled using all six LEDs on either side to indicate dimming levels, shade positions, or audio levels.
Auto-Brightness Control
To ensure optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions, the button backlighting and indicator intensity adjusts automatically between two settings depending on the amount of ambient light in the room.
Cresnet® Wired Communications
Cameo International keypads communicate with a Crestron control system via Cresnet, a 4-wire network bus that provides bidirectional data communication and 24VDC power to each keypad in the system.
Contact Closure Inputs
Two sensing inputs are included on the rear of the keypad to provide a simple and convenient interface for low-voltage contact closure devices such as door switches and motion detectors.